Mailchimp integration

Connect Talkbase to Mailchimp to easily send emails to segments of your community, view basic attributes, and more.

You can connect Talkbase to your Mailchimp account to better manage your community operations, allowing you to synchronize data across platforms.

To view help articles for the other integrations, visit the Integration articles: 

 To setup your Mailchimp integration:

  • Under the "Workspace" section in the navigation panel, click "Integrations".

The Talkbase:Mailchimp integration allows you to:

  • Manually sync all Talkbase members and contacts to Mailchimp with basic details and custom attributes.
    • All contacts will have an attribute "Talkbase profile id" to help you identify which contacts you have in Talkbase within Mailchimp.
    • Talkbase will automatically create an active list in your Mailchimp account named "Talkbase contacts (integration)".
  • Manually sync Mailchimp contacts to Talkbase with all basic attributes.
  • Send event attendees to Mailchimp
    • When your event ends, you send data from Talkbase to your Mailchimp account with the ability to tag them. You can select which registrations you want to include in the list to support your post-event workflow. Here are some use cases:
      • I want send an email to all who actually attended the event.
      • I want to send a different email to people who registered but haven't shown up.
      • I want to send different email to those who registered for in-person or virtual.
    • Within a few clicks, all data is synced into your Mailchimp account. You can find this feature under "Event Detail" β†’ "Registrations" β†’ "Export".
Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 11.35.58

Check the name from Mailchimp and select your audience name from the Talkbase interface.

ℹ️ Post-installation information

After installation, select the Primary audience list, to which all contacts will be synced to or from.


πŸ‘‹ If you need additional support, be sure to check out the Talkbase Friends Community where you can connect with fellow peers for help. Or, reach out to us at

πŸ“For future features and releases, keep an eye out on our Roadmap.