Set up a new project

Create a new project board to start creating tasks to keep your project managed and organized.

To create a new project:

  • In the navigation panel under the "Build" section, click on "Projects & Tasks"
  • Click the "Create project" button.
  • Enter a project name and a short description, and then click "Create board".
  • By default, your board will start with four default lists and a few sample tasks to get you started.

Navigating the board

There are a few ways to view and use the board.

  • To view only tasks assigned to certain team members, use the filter that shows "Assigned to:"
  • To filter and view tasks based on Tags, click on the "Filter by tags" button.
  • You can sort by Status, Due Date, or Created Date ascending or descending.
  • To change the board view, you can choose between a List View and a Kanban View.
  • You can toggle to view Active Tasks or Archived Tasks.

Adding and Editing Columns

To add a new column to your board:

  • Click on "Add column" which can be found to the right of the columns in the board.
  • Add a title for the column. Typically this is a Status, but it can also be a Category, a Group, or any other categorization you'd like to use to organize your board.
  • Designate a Type. The Type helps organize the tasks based on an open or closed status.
  • You can have multiple columns in your board with the same Type. For example, if there are multiple steps for a task to be "in progress", you can have multiple columns with the "in progress" type.

To edit an existing column on your board:

  • Hover over the column header and click on the triple dot "···".
  • You'll be able to edit the column name and the type.
  • Click "Update column" to save your changes.

To delete an existing column on your board:

  • Hover over the column header and click on the triple dot "···".
  • Click "Delete column" located underneath the button.
  • Note: Only empty columns will be able to be deleted. If you want to delete a column that has tasks in it, move the tasks to a different column first.

To change the order of columns:

  • Click and drag the column header to where you want the column to be.

For information on Tasks, please visit this help article.


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