Merge duplicate contacts

Merging contacts in Talkbase allows you to easy de-duplicate contacts in your CRM, allowing for cleaner data and better overall data integrity.

To merge contacts:

  • Select the contacts that you'd like to merge and click on the "Merge" button in the options bar that appears when you've clicked on the checkboxes by the contact.
  • You'll then be prompted to select which contact profile you want to keep as the primary contact, and which contact you want to merge.
  • Click "Merge" when you're ready, and you'll be asked to confirm.

Here are some of the rules for merging to note regarding what fields will be retained and what holds priority.

  • The email address, if different, for the merged contact will be added as the "Secondary email" field in the primary contact.
  • Events attended by the merged contact will be added to the primary contact.
  • Any form duplicates or fields, the primary contact information will be kept.
  • Integration stats will be summed and added to the primary contact information.
  • Contact Groups from the merged contact will be added to the primary contact.
  • Tags from the merged contact will be added to the primary contact.
  • Notes from the merged contact will be added to the primary contact.

Finding duplicate profiles

Talkbase also provides a feature for finding duplicate profiles that you can then decide to merge. To find duplicate profiles:

  • From the "Contacts" screen, click on "..." in the right corner and then select "Find duplicate profiles".
  • Talkbase will pull up all contacts with similar attributes like name or email address.
  • You can then review them to select and merge the relevant contact profiles with one another.

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