Staying GDPR-Friendly: Gathering Email Addresses from Attendees

Ensuring you're following GDPR compliance when sending emails and collecting information with Talkbase.

When you're organizing events or communities, getting people's email addresses for marketing can be really helpful. But there's this important thing called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that we need to follow. It's like a set of rules that protect people's personal information. One big rule is about getting clear permission to use their emails.

Getting Permission the Right Way

The big question is: Can we get permission without using a checkbox? According to the GDPR, permission needs to be clear and easy to understand. It's like saying "yes" in a clear and active way. This is usually done by checking a box. Just looking at something or not saying anything doesn't count as permission.

A court case called Cā€‘673/17 - Planet49 showed that having a box already checked doesn't count as real permission. The court said that people need to do something active, like checking the box themselves, to show they agree.

Why the Checkbox is Important

So, having a checkbox that people can check themselves is really important. It shows that they're saying "yes" in a clear way. This is what the GDPR wants to make sure that we're doing.


To wrap things up, if you're in charge of events or communities, it's best to keep using the checkbox for getting email permissions. This is the safest way to follow the GDPR rules. If you have other ideas for getting permission, we're open to talking about them. Just remember, whatever we do, it needs to be clear and easy for people to say "yes" in an active way.

And, here's an important thing: This article is meant to give you some ideas and tips, but it's not legal advice. Laws can be tricky, and they might change. So, before making any big decisions, it's a good idea to talk to a lawyer who knows about GDPR and the laws in your area. We don't take responsibility for any issues that might come up. It's always better to be safe and get proper legal guidance.